What's new?

Check out what's new.


  • All in one type file, reorganized types (does not affect user experience)

  • Guild XP #14: Managing Guild Member's XP, including set/award.

  • Major change: Integrated API Types into TouchGuild. (affects the whole library, makes the user-experience even better when using Non-REST methods)

  • Added 'Invalid token' error.

  • Added TouchGuild's http header

  • Made scripts better with ESLint.

  • Added pkgconfig.ts, this file provides every information about your current TouchGuild version.

  • Added ForumTopicComment component, this component provides three methods: createTopicComment, edit & delete.

  • Added a new Client method: createTopicComment

  • Added a new Client method: editTopicComment

  • Added a new Client method: deleteTopicComment

  • Added a new Client method: getRESTTopicComment

  • Added a new Client method: getRESTTopicComments

  • Added a new Client method: getTopicComments

  • Added a new Client method: addTopicReaction

  • Added a new Client method: removeTopicReaction

  • Added a new ForumTopic method: addReaction

  • Added a new ForumTopic method: removeReaction

  • Added a new gateway event: guildCreate (fired when bot joins a guild)

  • Added a new gateway event: forumTopicCommentCreate

  • Added a new gateway event: forumTopicCommentUpdate

  • Added a new gateway event: forumTopicCommentDelete

  • Added a new gateway event: forumTopicReactionAdd

  • Added a new gateway event: forumTopicReactionRemove

  • Added GuildCreateInfo types for the guildCreate event.

  • Cache now supports ForumTopic & stores those components when needed.

  • Now, every requests uses API Typings, it makes the library more accurate.

  • Added the following exports: ForumTopicComment and APITypes


Last updated