TouchGuild's Developer Tools, made accessible to everyone.
Make requests to the Guilded API, communicate like TouchGuild does.
Asynchronous methods
get(endpoint: string, token: string, queryParams?: string|object, crashOnRejection?: boolean)
Make a GET request.
Returns: Promise<object|void>
post(endpoint: string, token: string, data: string|object, crashOnRejection?: boolean)
Make a POST request.
Returns: Promise<object|void>
put(endpoint: string, token: string, data: string|object, crashOnRejection?: boolean)
Make a PUT request.
Returns: Promise<object|void>
patch(endpoint: string, token: string, data: string|object, crashOnRejection?: boolean)
Make a PATCH request.
Returns: Promise<object|void>
delete(endpoint: string, token:string, crashOnRejection?: boolean)
Make a DELETE request.
Returns: Promise<object|void>
Synchronous methods
syncGetChannel(channelID:string, client: Client)
Get a synchronously a channel.
Returns: Channel
syncGetMember(guildID: string, memberID: string, client:Client)
Get a synchronously a member.
Returns: Member
syncGetGuild(guildID: string, client: Client)
Get a synchronously a guild.
Returns: Guild
Deprecated methods.
We do not recommend to use deprecated methods, they're may be very buggy & we do not plan to fix them.
FETCH(method: string, endpoint: string, TOKEN: any, BODY:string|any)
Make an HTTP request. (asynchronous)
Returns: Promise<object|void>
SYNCFETCH(method: string, endpoint: string, TOKEN: any, BODY:string|any)
Make an HTPP request. (synchronous)
Returns: object|void
Last updated